Monday 27 April 2015

Nutritional strategies

Pre, during and post nutrition


                                                       Online Soccer Academy(2015)
This video discusses the pre event meal, what you should eat, timings and what you shouldnt eat before a game.
19 secs in to 2 mins and 9 secs contains the relevant information about what i will be discussing in the text below.

Apre event meal is highly recommended this is because a pre event meal and drink can provide you with what you need to be able to sustain good performance throughout your activity without fatigueing easily.As the video says you should eat this meal 3-4 hours before the exercise youll be doing, this is so you have time to digest the food and so you are able to use the nutrients in the food to there best.The food you eat before exercise is dependent upon the activity you take part in for example a long distance runner would eat whole grain foods and pastas rich in carbohydrates before a run because this provides slow released energy which is what they need for there event.


During a game you want foods and drinks that are going to keep you energised and be able to last for the whole duration of the game. The main thing to have during exercise  plenty of fluids because you want to replace replace any energy lost and you need to stay hydrated. What you drink is dependent upon the sport you play because sports nutritionalists have the data and information now to cater for all sports and make the suitable sports drink for what ever sport you do.An example of this is a big 6 foot rugby player would need to take on  more food and drink because they will ultimately loosing more energy during exercise.The foods you have during exercise can also have an impact on your sports performance because you eed foods that quickly digest and provide good energy as oppose to unhealthy snacks with high sugar levels such as sweets. Some food examples to consume during exercise is nuts, fruits and seeds.


This is after exercise size and is often reffered to as the 'recover stage' this is because at this point you need to take on the correct fluids and eat the correct foods so you are able to replace anything lost during exercise and to repair muscles and tissues.  What is usually consumed after a match is something with high carbohydrates and high protein this is because the carbohydrates needed to replce energy stores and the protein is to help aid revovering and speed up the process. Many athletes use  protein supplements and bars usually 15 minutes after exercise to hlp aid the recovery process and because in sme cases people dont have access to a good healthy meal after exercise so this helps with that.

Carbohydrate loading

"A dietary practice that increases carbohydrate reserves in muscle tissue through the consumption of extra quantities of high-starch foods and isoften followed by some endurance athletes prior to competition". The free dictionary(2015)
This is a sports nutrition stratergy which requires you to eat an increased amount of carbohydrates 1-4 days before exercise. Carbohydrate loading is what you can do to improve your performance levels as this enables the muscle glycogen levels to increase and allows you to perform for longer periods. 

                                                    (Jacques Delmore, 2013 )

Fluid replacement

For fluid replacement water is one of the main things to drink, this is because it maintains body temperature and controls blood volume making it easier for the muscles to contract. Drinking water or sports supplements helps us to replenish lost nutrients when we have sweat. Making sure your fluids are replaced will make sure that you can maintain your level of performance and decrease your chance of becoming dehydrated ad fatigued.
Just like pre, during and post meals you need to do the same with fluid intake, you should take on at least 100-200ml of fluid 15 minutes before exercise, then during exercise you should take on fluid every 15-20 mins and once you have finished exercise you should take on the amount of fluid lost and this can be done by weighing yourself before and after the game and monitor the amountyou have taken on.


Online Soccer Academy (2015) meals for athletes : the pre game meal. Available (online at url) [Accessed on 27/04/2015]

The free dictionary (2015) carbohydrate loading. Available (Online at url) [Accessed on 27/04/2015]

(2013) Carb loading 7 day method. Available (Online at URL) [Accessed on 27/04/2015]

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