Thursday 26 March 2015

In this blog there will be a review about the 4 learning outcomes which are as follows:

LO1: Demonstrate knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles of macro nutrients and the macro nutrient requirements of different sports and exercise participants.
LO2: Evaluate and interpret the micro nutrient requirements of different sport and exercise participants and related issues.
LO3: Evaluate the appropriateness of nutritional strategies that aim to improve sport and exercise participant’s performance.
LO4: Present, evaluate and interpret the guidelines for optimal re hydration for a range of sport/exercise participants.

Sports nutrition is a vital part in sports because the foods we eat can help or deter how we play in sporting situations. The reason sports nutrition is important is because it helps to store or replace lost energy and also what we drink helps with hydration and replacing vitamins and minerals lost during exercise. Sports nutrition also provides us with the knowledge on pre and post match meals, this helps us have the right amount of energy and ultimately allows us to perform for the duration of the activity. Athletes now have their own sports nutritionist which come up with specific plans and dietary requirements for their sport, this can have a massive effect on the sports performer because with a correct diet on top of the exercise they do it can substantially improve performance.